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What Is MRT?

Moral Reconation Therapy, also known as MRT, is a behavioral therapy designed to decrease criminal behavior and treat substance abuse, anger management, trauma and more. MRT teaches participants to focus on the morality and consequences of their behavior. MRT aims to improve participants decision making, thought processes, and overall well-being. MRT has been known to help participants improve their moral-reasoning and positive identity.  MRT includes homework and structured group exercises designed to lower self-destructive behavior and reinforce healthy habits. The MRT Program also helps participants develop a positive identity and confront attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.

Online MRT Moral Reconation Therapy image of court ordered individual using laptop

Break the Cycle offers Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) nationwide and can help you meet your requirements for court, pre-trial diversion or probation. MRT is a systematic treatment strategy that seeks to decrease recidivism among juvenile and adult criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning. Its cognitive-behavioral approach combines elements from a variety of psychological traditions to progressively address ego, social, moral, and positive behavioral growth.

MRT online offering. Person on tablet

Participants receive a comprehensive MRT course guide, with self-study and homework requirements. Each week a new topic is covered.

Application window MRT online offering

Using HIPAA compliant technology, participants engage in group settings facilitated by a certified Moral Reconation Therapist & facilitator.

Person finding happiness icon MRT

Improve decision making, thought processes, and overall well-being. MRT is known to help participants improve their moral-reasoning and positive identity.

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After successfully meeting the required curriculum, course guide, and group sessions; Break the Cycle signs off on the success of the participant.

Contact us today to learn more about MRT and begin your session today.

In case you missed the 2023 Recovery Report LIVE Webinar.  Watch this brief video for a recap.